The pathway to fund Andean renewable energy projects: To what extent does growth in private energy PPAs make these projects bankable?

Broadcast on Apr 27, 2021 from Livestream: Bonds & Loans Andes 2021 - Virtual Conference

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Subscribe for access:

  • Energy sector M&A in Chile and Colombia: What impact does this have on the renewable project pipeline?
  • What are the next steps in Colombia’s PPA renewables auction after submissions closed in February?
  • What are investors’ expectations for Chile’s upcoming clean energy auction?
  • How can local banks bridge the gap to finance in dollars and have more access to projects?
  • Is there a benefit for international banks to finance these projects local currency rather than USD?
  • Latin American success stories in financing renewable projects: What were the lessons learnt? What financial structures worked best? How can best practices be applied across the region?




Director of Financial Planning

Vice President, Senior Analyst

Head of Corporate Finance and Investment Banking

Head of Financing

Director, Latam Development