From premium to greenium: How Russia’s capital markets are transitioning towards ESG (In Russian)

Broadcast on Mar 3, 2021

Subscribe for access:

  • From premium to greenium (discounting): Why, how and what has happened to the markets for ESG and SDG-linked bonds to drive down price and yield?
  • Transitioning vs. greenwashing: How green is green? How does a company transition their financing in-line with SDG targets, without being accusing of “greenwashing”?
  • Aligning international ESG and SDG standards with standards being drawn up and certified in Russia: What are the challenges to overcome?
  • Anyone can transition: How can extraction (commodity/energy) companies work with advisers to improve ESG credentials and drive down their cost of borrowing?


Head of Corporate Finance


Head of Debt Capital Markets

Director, Corporate Finance


Head of Debt Capital Markets